One of the highlights of the calendar has crept upon us, and Formula One has descended upon the principality of Monaco. Around those fabled streets, 24 cars will be fighting for position, and if the past is anything to go by, it really could be anyone’s race.

Event Schedule

You’ll likely expect Red Bull to be up near the top, but can they keep their dominant grip on the season so far? Monaco is full of twists and turns, and that might play into McLaren’s hands more so than RBR. Ferrari will also be looking to improve on the pace they started to show in Spain.

Further down the order, Lotus will be keen to get into the second session of qualifying again, particularly at a circuit where you can capitalise on the misfortunes of others. The super-soft tyres will play a big part in the weekend, and strategy will be key.

Session Timetable
Date Day Session Time (GMT+1)
26 May Thursday Free Practice 1 09:00
Free Practice 2 13:00
28 May Saturday Free Practice 3 10:00
Qualifying 13:00
29 May Sunday Grand Prix 13:00


The Weather

So far, the long range forecasts are devoid of any rain, with just a few clouds showin on Friday and Saturday. Other than that, it looks like it’s going to start out pretty hot, and cool as the weekend goes along, but with the sun shining all the way.

Thursday, 26 May

  • 25℃
  • Low: 18℃
  • Humidity: 52%
  • Sunny
Saturday, 28 May

  • 25℃
  • Low: 17℃
  • Humidity: 80%
  • Sunny intervals
Sunday, 29 May

  • 23℃
  • Low: 19℃
  • Humidity: 52%
  • Sunny

Circuit Map

The Circuit

Circuit Data
Name Circuit de Monaco
Location Monaco
Timezone GMT +0200
First Race 1950
Laps 78
Length 3.340 km
Distance 260.520 km
Start / Finish Offset 0.000 km

Monaco is known for it’s lack of overtaking, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be a boring race. It’ll be intriguing to see what difference DRS can make, but with new tyres on board, there are unknowns all over the car. The race is very intense for drivers, with no room for error, and concentration has to be high at all times.

Qualifying may be more interesting this weekend, as grid position is likely to be crucial ahead of the race.


2010 Results
Session Driver Team Time
Free Practice 1 Fernando Alonso Ferrari 1:15.927
Free Practice 2 Fernando Alonso Ferrari 1:14.904
Free Practice 3 Robert Kubica Renault 1:14.806
Qualifying Mark Webber Red Bull 1:13.826
Grand Prix Mark Webber Red Bull 1:50:13.355
Fastest Lap Sebastian Vettel Red Bull 1:15.192

Tyre Compounds